Physician Referral

Director Yasushi Sera
Graduated from Keio University School of Medicine. After his initial training, he practiced internal medicine and orthopedics at a city hospital, as well as providing exercise therapy instruction in the community. While conducting clinical practice, education, and research in sports medicine, he also serves as a team physician for professional sports teams, high school, university, and adult sports teams, and as a member of the medical affairs committee of athletic organizations. In addition to his medical practice, he provides consulting services related to sports medicine and develops medical systems for facilities so that people of all ages can lead healthy and fulfilling lives through exercise and sports medicine.
- Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery, The Japanese Orthopedic Association
- Board Certified Internist, Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
- Master of Public Health
- International Olympic Committee Diploma in Sports Medicine
- Japan Sports Association Certified Sports Doctor
- Japan Medical Association Certified Health and Sports Physician
- Certified Sports Physician, Japanese Orthopaedic Association
- Japan Sports Association for the Disabled Certified Sports Physician
- Performance Enhancement Specialist (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
- Corrective Exercise Specialist (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
- Japan Medical Association Certified Industrial Physician
- Locomo Advice Doctor
- TWOLAPS Team Doctor (Athletics)
- LADORĒ Medical Advisor
- Member of Medical Affairs Committee, Japan Association of Athletics Federations
- Advisory Doctor, AuB Inc.
- Medical Advisor, Fujikyu Highland Co.
- Rehasak Medical Advisor, Inc.

What is sports medicine?
Author: Yasushi Sera / Publisher: Chugai Igaku-sha
Despite the fact that sports are so familiar to us in our daily lives, when it comes to sports medicine, it suddenly becomes obscure and surprisingly unknown. In addition, there are not many opportunities to study sports medicine professionally in medical schools. In this book, the author, who is widely active as a sports doctor in Japan and abroad, explains what sports medicine is in an easy-to-understand manner. In fact, the field of sports medicine is very broad and deep. This book is an ideal introduction to the world of sports medicine.