Closed: Sunday / National Holidays

Closed: Sunday / National Holidays

Free medical treatment at our clinic

Our mission at the clinic is to support people's dreams and daily lives through health. We provide medical services in internal medicine, orthopedics, rehabilitation, and allergy, as well as free medical services for those who cannot be treated by insurance but still need medical care.

The following are the free treatments that can be performed at our clinic.

For free treatment, an initial consultation fee of 2,200 yen (including tax) and a follow-up consultation fee of 1,100 yen (including tax) will be charged at the time of consultation.

regenerative medicine

Our clinic offers regenerative medicine to patients whose symptoms have not improved with insurance treatment and who are eligible for such treatment. There are various types of regenerative medicine, but the following methods are used at our clinic.

PRP Therapy

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy is a treatment that utilizes the ability of platelet growth factors in your own blood to reduce inflammation and repair tissue. PRP therapy is administered by drawing blood on the same day and purifying it in the clinic, and PRP-FD therapy is administered 2-3 weeks later after the blood has been further activated and freeze-dried (FD) at a specialized institution.

FD preparation may not be administered depending on the results of an infectious disease test. In such cases, only the inspection fee of 16,500 yen (tax included) will be charged.

Stem cell culture supernatant solution

Stem cell culture supernatant fluid ("supernatant fluid") is produced when stem cells are cultured from amnion or placenta. Although there are treatments in which the stem cells themselves are administered, we do not offer stem cell therapy at our clinic. Unlike PRP therapy, there is no need to collect your own blood. At our clinic, we use freeze-dried supernatant fluid, which is of stable quality.

PRP (1 time, 1 site)Can be administered on the same day25,000 yen (tax included)
PRP (1 time, 2 sites)Can be administered on the same day45,000 yen (tax included)
PRP-FD (per process)Dose 2-3 weeks after blood collection165,000 yen (tax included)
Stem cell culture supernatant (5ml)Can be administered on the same day55,000 yen (tax included)
Stem cell culture supernatant (3ml)Can be administered on the same day33,000 yen (tax included)

Myopia Prevention Initiatives

Our clinic, together with our affiliated ophthalmology department, is working to prevent myopia in children.


低濃度アトロピン点眼薬(0.025%) 1本5ml(両眼1日1回点眼で約1カ月分) 3,300円(税込)

therapeutic exercise

At our clinic, we actively provide exercise therapy, which has been proven to be useful for many diseases. However, the current system of exercise therapy for lifestyle-related diseases and other conditions is free under the current system, and exercise therapy and exercise guidance are not readily available at medical institutions. We are preparing and practicing an environment in which many people can exercise.

The clinic is also equipped with an AI-controlled Smith machine, the Higatrec, and a Wattbike used by top athletes, allowing students and athletes to train as well.

Exercise therapy (30 min)5,500 yen (tax included)
Personal Training (30 min.)5,500 yen (tax included)

acupuncture and moxibustion

When the cause of symptoms is unclear or when Eastern medicine is more suitable for treatment than Western medicine, treatment with Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture and moxibustion are also used.

Acupuncture (30 min.) 6,600 yen (tax included)

Nutritional therapy (orthomolecular)

Diet, along with exercise, is essential. Our clinic will take blood samples related to nutrition and provide advice on diet and supplemental foods.

Nutritional therapy (orthomolecular) blood collection 16,500 yen (tax included)

intravenous drip infusion therapy

In chronic pain, inflammation may occur and new blood vessels may form. Through these new blood vessels, pain-sensing components are spread to the affected area. In the past, new blood vessels were occluded by catheterization, but recently a method has been established to occlude new blood vessels by administering antibiotics from near the new blood vessels, which is called intravenous therapy. Our clinic is a licensed facility that is capable of performing the arterial infusion therapy.

hand (of cards)Heberden's nodes CM arthropathyOne side 27,500 yen (tax included)38,500 yen on both sides (tax included)
elbowLateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) Medial epicondylitis (golf elbow)33,000 yen per side (tax included)44,000 yen on both sides (tax included)
legPlantar tendonitis Achilles tendonitis33,000 yen per side (tax included)44,000 yen on both sides (tax included)

medical diet

If weight loss is difficult to achieve with insurance and exercise therapy alone, weight loss is aimed at using oral medications and injections.

The cost per month is as follows

fat-burning injection3,500 yen (tax included)
GLP-1 oral (Reversus 3mg)9,800 yen (tax included)
GLP-1 oral (Reversus 7 mg)19.800 yen (tax included)
GLP-1 oral (Reversus 14 mg)29,800 yen (tax included)
GIP and GLP-1 injection (Manjaro 2.5 mg)22,000 yen (tax included)
GIP and GLP-1 injection (Manjaro 5mg)44,000 yen (tax included)
GIP and GLP-1 injection (Manjaro 7.5 mg)66,000 yen (tax included)
SGLT2 inhibitor (Rocefy 2.5 mg)11,000 yen (tax included)
Chinese herbal medicine (Bofu Tongsheng San)4,000 yen (tax included)

cosmetic injection

Beauty and feelings are one of the most important factors to stay healthy. At our clinic, we provide oral medicines and injections according to the purpose.

garlic injection1,900 yen (tax included)
Injection for Fatigue3,800 yen (tax included)
injection of white gemstone3,800 yen (tax included)
placenta injections1,500 yen (tax included)
Double placenta injection2,500 yen (tax included)
Whitening drink (Cynar, Transamine 500 mg, Ubera, Hi-All) for 1 month6,600 yen (tax included)
Whitening drinks (Cynar, Ubera, Hi-All) for 1 month3,300 yen (tax included)


The clinic offers periodic medical examinations and medical examinations at the time of hiring.

(incl. tax)
Height, weight, BMI, and
Abdominal circumference (over 40 years old)
blood pressurehearing abilityeyesighturinalysischest
drawing bloodECGdepartment of internal medicine (hospital, etc.)
medical examination
medical certificate
periodic health checkup13,200 yenperiodperiodConversation method/
periodic health checkup
7,700 yenperiod
Excluding abdominal circumference
periodconversation methodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiod
medical checkup for young people13,200 yenperiodperiodconversation methodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiod
time of hire
physical examination
13,200 yenperiodperiodOgio.periodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiod
night work
physical examination
13,200 yenperiodperiodConversation method/
group credit
physical examination
11,000 yenperiodperiodperiodperiodperiodperiod
group health
Diagnosis (simple)
7,700 yenperiodperiodperiodperiod
physical examination
6,600 yenperiodperiod


Cost (including tax)
influenza3,850 yen
hepatitis A7,700 yen
hepatitis B7,700 yen
measles6,600 yen
rubella6,600 yen
MR (measles and rubella)11,000 yen
chicken pox8,800 yen
herpes zoster22,000 yen
plain woman6,600 yen
Japanese encephalitis9,900 yen
tetanus4,950 yen
rabies17,600 yen
polio11,000 yen
meningococcus22,000 yen
Streptococcus pneumoniae (23-valent)8,800 yen
Cervical cancer, HPV (9-valent)38,500 yen