Closed: Sunday / National Holidays

Closed: Sunday / National Holidays

We have positioned risk management, compliance (legal compliance), and the strengthening of our internal control system as one of our top management priorities, with the goal of providing total healthcare services that are safe, secure, and satisfactory to local residents. We have established the following privacy policy for the personal information we receive for various purposes, and will take all possible measures to protect your personal information.

  1. We will comply with laws and other regulations regarding the proper handling of personal information.
  2. Personal information will be acquired in an appropriate manner. Except for special exceptions as stipulated by law, we will notify or publicly announce the purposes for which personal information is to be used, and will use the information within the scope of the intended use.
  3. We educate all employees to understand the importance of personal information protection and to handle your personal information appropriately.
  4. We will strive to prevent the loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of your personal information and implement appropriate security control measures.
  5. When entrusting the handling of your personal information to a third party, we will supervise the third party to ensure that your personal information is managed safely.
  6. We will continuously review and improve our management system and efforts to protect personal information.

For inquiries, please contact
Ikejiri-Ohashi Sera Clinic
No.R Ikejiri-Ohashi 4F, 2-22-42 Ohashi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0044, Japan